Let’s Change Tom’s Life ❤️

Let’s Change Tom’s Life ❤️

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Internet meet Tom.

Tom has been recently diagnosed with Stage 2 Bladder Cancer and Stage 3 Kidney Cancer. Tom told me he is unable to find work currently because of his constant hospital/doctor visits. While his wife is still able to work, it’s not enough to make ends meet because of the added expenses of Tom’s medical bills.

Although the stress and uncertainty in his own life, when I asked Tom if he’d rather have $500 for himself, or give $5000 away to deserving strangers, he immediately chose to give the money away to strangers as he said, “It’d bring me more happiness to share the blessings with others.”

Let’s all come together and show Tom the power of the internet and bless him. 100% of the net funds raised will go towards Tom’s out of pocket medical bill expenses. Be kind and love always ❤️

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